We are humans first and foremost, regardless of our nationality, creed or colour. It is natural to want to grasp the significance of this life we have been gifted, what it means to be alive, and to make the most of our time here. Yet, we treat this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with borderline irreverent levels of nonchalance.

We live in our own thought bubbles and echo chambers. Our lives are no different from the proverbial hamster wheel. We peddle away at life’s arduous tasks, progressing in time, but stalled in our own progress.

The topics we discuss here attempt to objectively understand reality and unmask illusions, which knowingly or knowingly plague us throughout our ephemeral existence in the grand scheme of our ever-expanding universe. We will combine the ancient and the modern in a timeless manner, to allow us to make the most of every breath we take, every thought we think and every action we perform.

The Humane Condition is not a philosophical blog or an aggregator of ideologies. This is not the journal of a life coach or a productivity guru. Our content is only as powerful as the willingness of the reader to spend time with themselves and introspect.